This possibly the most awful idea as this does not display the value of your articles. This is exactly why this particular locker was created to lock a particular part of your web page rather than the whole page. It tends to be applied endless times in one page. You can also alter the physical appearance of this locker for your personalized style.
Note: backup your template before start!
Go to 'Template' and click 'Edit HTML
Search <head> tag and add this line after <head> tag
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
Adding more social buttons
In this script there is only 3 button
facebook like, tweet, and G+
you can add more button by adding code from below
There are seven buttons available for content locking.
- "facebook-like"
- "facebook-share"
- "google-plus"
- "google-share"
- "twitter-tweet"
- "twitter-follow"
- "linkedin-share"
to add more buttons add code in this line from above code.
buttons: {order:["facebook-like","twitter-tweet","google-plus"]},
Writing a post
wow its really simple!
<article id="default-usage">
<div class="to-lock" style="display:none;">
Hello i am the hidden content
The original creatore of this awesome widget is Onepress-media and made for Wordpress blog.
Ask me in comments for any help.
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